20 Questions Every Student Should Ask Before Pursuing an MBA

An MBA is not for everyone. It takes a lot of commitment and is academically rigorous. And the school you choose plays a big part in your career outcome. So before taking the plunge, we’ve put together some questions for you to reflect on:

  1. Why do I want an MBA? What are my primary motivations?
    An MBA is a significant commitment in terms of time, money, and effort. Understanding one’s core motivations—whether it’s career advancement, skill acquisition, or a passion for business—ensures that the decision is rooted in clarity. This self-awareness provides direction throughout the program and helps maintain motivation during challenging times.

  2. What are my career goals? How will an MBA help me achieve them?
    MBA programs offer diverse specializations, from finance to marketing to entrepreneurship. Identifying specific career goals ensures that students can tailor their education to match their aspirations, making them better prepared for their desired post-MBA roles.

  3. Am I prepared for the academic rigor? Have I reviewed the curriculum and am I confident in my ability to handle it?
    MBA programs are intellectually challenging. Prospective students must be confident in their ability to cope with demanding coursework, group projects, and examinations. Preparing in advance, through refresher courses or self-study, can make the transition smoother.

  4. What type of MBA program is best for me? Full-time, part-time, executive, online, or a hybrid?
    Each MBA format has its advantages. Full-time programs might offer a more immersive experience, but part-time or online programs can be ideal for those who can’t leave their jobs. It’s crucial to consider one’s lifestyle, work commitments, and learning preferences when choosing a format.

  5. Which schools and programs align best with my goals and values? Have I researched the school’s reputation, faculty, and network?
    Not all MBA programs are created equal. Some schools excel in entrepreneurship, while others may be renowned for finance or strategy. Researching schools’ cultures, missions, and strengths ensures alignment with individual career trajectories and personal values.

  6. How will I finance my MBA? Am I prepared for the cost, and have I researched scholarships, grants, and loan options?
    Financial planning is crucial. An MBA can be expensive, and while it’s an investment, students should explore funding options like scholarships, loans, and employer sponsorships. This ensures they’re not burdened by unexpected financial stress.

  7. Is this the right time in my life and career to pursue an MBA?
    Timing matters. Some might benefit from an MBA early in their careers, while others could gain more after accumulating work experience. Personal life stages, such as family plans, can also influence this decision.

  8. How do I feel about potentially relocating? Am I open to attending a school in another city or country?
    Moving for an MBA can offer new cultural and professional experiences. However, it also poses challenges like leaving one’s comfort zone and adjusting to a new environment. Weighing the benefits against potential disruptions helps in making an informed choice.

  9. What is the return on investment (ROI) I expect from the MBA? Am I considering both tangible (e.g., salary increase) and intangible benefits (e.g., expanded network)?
    While many gauge ROI in terms of salary increments, the value of an MBA extends to networking opportunities, personal growth, and enhanced problem-solving skills. Balancing immediate financial returns with long-term benefits is essential.

  10. Have I spoken to current students or alumni? Can they provide insights into the program and their post-MBA experiences?
    Engaging with those who’ve experienced the program firsthand provides invaluable insights. They can offer candid feedback on the curriculum, school culture, and post-MBA opportunities, helping to set realistic expectations.

  11. Do I have the necessary qualifications and experiences to be competitive in the application process?
    Admissions criteria vary among institutions. Assessing one’s academic background, work experience, and extracurriculars against a school’s requirements helps in gauging the likelihood of acceptance and areas for improvement.

  12. What are my backup plans if I don’t get admitted to my top-choice schools?
    It’s always wise to have alternative options. Whether considering other educational paths or different MBA programs, knowing one’s next steps in the event of unforeseen circumstances ensures resilience and adaptability.

  13. How will I balance other life commitments (e.g., family, work) with the demands of an MBA program?
    An MBA can be time-consuming. Prospective students should strategize on managing work, familial obligations, mental health, and personal time to ensure a harmonious balance during their studies.

  14. How does the MBA program support student success? What resources (e.g., career services, alumni network) are available?
    Schools with robust support systems—like mentorship programs, career services, and alumni networks—can significantly enhance a student’s MBA experience, paving the way for future success.

  15. What industries or functions am I targeting post-MBA? Is the school strong in those areas?
    Being specific about post-MBA aspirations ensures that students leverage relevant resources, courses, and networking opportunities, maximizing their chances of breaking into their desired industry or function.

  16. How adaptable is the MBA program? If my goals change, will the program provide avenues to explore new areas?
    Career goals might evolve. Programs that offer flexibility in electives, internships, and experiential learning opportunities allow students to pivot when necessary.

  17. Am I ready to engage in personal and professional development? An MBA often requires introspection and openness to feedback.
    Beyond academics, an MBA often fosters soft skills like leadership, teamwork, and communication. Embracing this holistic development ensures a well-rounded and transformative MBA experience.

  18. How important is international exposure to me? Does the school offer opportunities for global immersion or exchange programs?
    In a globalized world, international experiences can be invaluable. Schools that offer exchange programs, global immersions, or international case studies can provide students with a broader perspective.

  19. What are the current trends in the business world, and how does the MBA curriculum address them?
    Staying updated ensures relevance. MBA aspirants should seek programs that stay ahead of the curve, incorporating contemporary issues like digital transformation, sustainability, or diversity and inclusion.

  20. Am I genuinely passionate about business and leadership? Will I be motivated and committed throughout the program?
    An MBA is not just a degree but a journey. Genuine passion for business ensures that students remain engaged, curious, and motivated, making the most of the MBA experience.

By thoroughly considering each of these points, you can make a more informed decision and set yourself up for a rewarding educational journey.

By Tamme Cagle, Editor in Chief